Student Testimonials

Kyla has had the privilege of working with a host of fantastic students who are now amazing mothers. 

Read their testimonials on how Prenatal yoga, Postnatal yoga, and Hypnomothering techniques have helped them with their labor, delivery, and early motherhood. 

“Prenatal yoga classes truly helped me focus on my breathing during labor but also gave me solutions for managing the pain. Also, the yoga helped me manage back pain during pregnancy and even now in my recovery period. I don’t have any sciatica pain!”

-Mary Liz G. and Maya- born January 2019 


"I’m really loving your class and the community you have built. I’m the first of my friends locally to have kids, so it’s so special for me to take this time to meet other mamas as well as get to know my boys. Thanks so much for all you’re doing for Columbia and for me. ♥️"
-Megan G., Mom of twin boys born 2019

More Yoga Testimonials

"Kyla is hands down the best yoga instructor I’ve ever had the pleasure of practicing with. During Covid, Kyla worked one on one with me on a weekly basis to practice prenatal yoga thru Zoom. Not only did she practice with me virtually but she also provided me with all of the materials I needed to do class successfully. Kyla catered the classes directly to my individual needs as an expectant mom, and she also took time to truly get to know me. Kyla did a class with me the evening before I went into labor, and I felt super prepared physically during the labor process because of the work we did together. Because of Covid, Kyla and I have still not met in person. However, because of her kind demeanor and genuine care for me as a client, I feel we have known each other for years. I now consider Kyla not just my yoga teacher, but also a great friend.  If you are looking for incredible prenatal yoga class, or any yoga, for that matter, Kyla is your girl. 
-Scottie S. and boy- Born Oct. 2020

“Kyla-the time we spent together doing yoga and just talking about how and what our bodies are meant to do during labor made a world of difference during my labor. I was reading the mantras you sent me during my first few contractions and then later on, especially in transition, really thought about the contractions as bringing my baby to me. It made them so much more bearable. I was embracing them and trying to help them be productive rather than just trying to get through them. You were with me the whole time and it meant so much to me!
-Erika H. and Hailey- born July 2018

“Being a first time mom is full of uncertainty!  I feel like I am learning as much as my sweet girl.  I question whether or not I'm doing everything right and feel like I'm doing so many things wrong.  Thankfully, Kyla's pre-natal yoga class gave me some techniques that helped, not just during birth, but in all these moments of anxiety as well.  Remembering to breathe, focus on baby, and listen to my body has been a lifesaver!  At the end of the day, being a Mama is the best job in the whole world!”
-Maria A. and Kirby Rose- born August 2018

“Prenatal Yoga was my favorite thing I did for myself this pregnancy. It was something to look forward to every week. Every week I impressed myself with how many poses I could do and hold, even as my body was constantly changing. 
It was great bonding with other like minded mothers experiencing the same thing I was at the same time. The instructor Kyla is amazing! She is so kind hearted and caring to the mothers in her class. It is obvious she has a true passion for what she is doing. 
My favorite parts were relaxing to birthing affirmations and the class where partners can come. That was a fun bonding experience and a great chance to talk about plans for pain management during labor.”
-Jessica G. and Abrie- born October 2018

“A big goal for me was to try to get as far as I could through labor naturally. I am SO grateful for learning the different breathing exercises and yoga poses in class to help me cope!  The contractions took my breath away, so I was making my husband do the partner methods of comfort, and talk me through breathing. 
I still use a lot of what we learned now that it no longer pregnant- lots of poses help me feel less stiff and I’ve still been doing the pelvic floor exercises during recovery, and the hypnomothering techniques have been a lifesaver for falling asleep and calming down when learning to breastfeed and such.  So basically, I couldn’t have done this without you!! I’m so grateful I found your class & look forward to coming to postnatal as soon as Ollie is old enough/I’m healed enough to attend!”
-Zlata C. and Ollie- born January 2019

"I just want everyone to know about my journey with yoga this past year. While I was pregnant yoga led me down a path that not only made me more prepared for labor it also helped me with sleep and relaxation! Even better after Finn was born I enjoyed postnatal yoga even more, it helped me gain muscles I thought I had lost, it helped me learn how strong I can be and it helped me find a place to have a free mind and a time dedicated to myself. I am so thankful to have put this into my life and so grateful for Kyla for helping me along my journey."

-Brittany K. and Finn- born May 2019

“I used a lot from the prenatal yoga during labor. I was on hands and knees on my yoga mat doing hip circles/figure eights early on; that's actually the position in which my water broke. I spent the rest of labor in a modified child's pose on the hospital bed with the bottom of the bed lower than the top.  The bed part was Karl's idea and made a huge difference in my level of comfort and ability to rest and recover between contractions. It also gave Karl and my doula great access to rub my lower back and hips, which I made them do literally the whole time - one held my puke bags, the other rubbed my back. In both positions I used the breathing out as if through a straw to help get through the contractions. Knowing how that engages the muscles helped me feel like I was understanding and in control through each contraction, as well as giving me something to focus on other than pain. Also realizing that making noises while breathing through contractions is totally normal and can help manage pain was nice for me but also a source of comfort for Karl; I got really nonverbal and silent during labor except for noises related to breathing. And finally, I did a lot of the pushing laying on my sides similarly to how the third-trimester mamas end your classes and squatting with the squat bar. I think the partner class really gave Karl confidence to help me, which he definitely wouldn't have otherwise had, so an extra thank you for that!”
-Jacquelyn B. and Claire- born July 2019